My poor laptop was compromised and riddled with horrible viruses so I’ve been unable to write the past couple weeks. Falling behind on projects and deadlines both frustrated me immensely and taught me some things. More on that next week.
Valentine’s Day is approaching! I’m looking forward to a little romantic getaway with my sweetie and our couple-friends. However, I was recently talking to another good friend of mine whose relationship is sounding a little rocky heading into the holiday. After a few years, I think distance and undefined boundaries are taking a toll. We were chatting the other night over dinner and she said
“I feel like I get the leftovers. He goes all day long doing all this stuff for other people and, by the time he gets to me, he’s exhausted and barely wants to talk. They get the best and I get the rest. I’m sick of it and I think I’m just done with this thing!”
I’ve always felt romantic relationships and the workplace share a lot of similarity. There are so many parallels between how the two begin, develop, grow — and how they end. Just like on the job, when romantic relationships go awry, it rarely comes as a surprise … Or it shouldn’t come as a surprise if both parties are clearly communicating expectations and providing regular performance feedback. Certainly, someone can get caught breaking the rules and/or someone decides to immediately and abruptly end the relationship. However, it is much more likely that performance wanes and deteriorates over time until one of the two decides it is time to part ways.
I’m not sure if that will happen with my friend or not. Certainly, with all the time and resources invested, it makes sense for them to discuss the issues and determine if there is a way to improve things. And I hope they are able to work it out because I like them as a couple and I believe they bring out a better side of each other.
However, listening to my friend talk about her relationship woes got me thinking about my own life.
My work life, that is.
Because these days, I am the busiest I’ve been in almost 10 years! And while I’m loving the challenge, I wonder who and what am I giving my “best” versus giving “the rest” to each day? Am I giving priority to the right things and people as I create my To Do’s? Am I delegating appropriately and using the resources around me? Am I seeking opportunities to develop others so I can ultimately lighten my load?
I am giving my best where it’s needed, when it is needed — and putting the rest aside until a more appropriate time. Sometimes people don’t like it or understand it or feel happy about the priority rankings … but I can’t control or worry about that. I can only do what I can do! And what I can do is stay organized, communicate truthfully, honor my commitments, give full focus and attention to each task at hand, and not allow unnecessary disruptions.
That’s how I make sure my work gets the best of me — not the rest of me.
And don’t miss the best or the rest of these fun and funny Workplace Love stories
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